Wednesday, December 5, 2007

New cast update

Cindy will be happy, I now have a red and white striped cast, replacing John Deere green. It looks like a candy cane. Had to go to the doctor's yesterday because I was having so much pain. The doctor said everything is healing well, but swelling is causing my pain. I need to keep my foot elevated above my heart, which is hard to do without laying flat on my back, which makes work very difficult. We did find out something interesting - I have a 2" screw in my heel holding the bone together where they took the wedge of bone out. We didn't know this until we saw the x-rays yesterday.


Randi said...

How festive!

ian said...

sounds like crazy amounts of fun to me. six weeks of laying around? awesome!

Ali said...
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Erin said...

I'll want to see pictures of this fantastic cast! Make sure you put a bow on it; think how much fun you can have decorating it! :-)

Ali said...

I just happen to be wearing a shirt that would match your new cast. If you still have it on at Christmas we can have our picture taken together! Try to take it easy and don't move any rocks. I would even come up to move rocks if you really needed me to but I'd rather you just get Kevin to do it because you know I have that carpal tunnel thing that comes and goes. I should probably join you in that whole taking it easy thing! Hope you feel better soon!!

Randi said...

What carpal tunnel thing?

Ali said...

You know, my carpal tunnel. My very convenient disease that comes whenever Aunt Donna needs me to move anything!

Randi said...

Oh...I get it now

Kim said...

Glad to hear you are being Christmas-y with your cast.
Thanks for the candy and card!