Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Job Opportunity

Hey everyone! I got some exciting news last night and thought I would share it with all of you. A few weeks ago I applied to work for an organization called the Coalition for Christian Outreach, which is an organization that does campus ministry at many different college campuses. Last night I found out that I was accepted into the organization, which was incredibly exciting news for me. At this point, the next step is to find out what positions are available and interview for this positions in particular, so a lot of patience is necessary. It was exciting for me just to get accepted into the organization, though, because that is what I have been praying for. Just thought I'd share my excitement and good news with all of you!


Randi said...

Good for you:-) I like the 'patience' part!!!

Mike said...

She probably learned about patience from her Uncle Mike!

Sean said...

Man, forget about keepin' up with the Jonses, these days it's all about keepin' up with the Beckers.

Way to go, Julie!

rocnrbn said...

Excellent! It must feel good to know what direction your life can take after all the hard work at college!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Julie! Is this in place of an accounting job or is this something you would do on the side?

Julie said...

This would be in place of an Accounting job for right now, then I'd look for something in the Accounting/Business field afterwards